
Discount Prescription Cards Donated To Challenge

Charles Myrick the President of American Consultants Rx announced the re-release of the American Consultants Rx community service project. ACRX donated over 20 million ACRX discount prescription cards throughout the country. One of the main locations in the Chicago,IL area that received an initial donation of ACIRX free prescription cards, is the Challenge Foundation. The ACRX cards are to be given free to anyone in need of help curbing the high cost of prescription drugs. Please contact the Challenge Foundation for additional information and a free card . Due to the rising costs, unstable economics, and the mounting cost of prescriptions, American Consultants Rx Inc. (ACRX) a.k.a (ACIRX) an Atlanta based company was born in 2004 www.moncler-brand.me. The ACRX discount prescription card program was created and over 3 million discount prescription cards were donated to the community across the country free of charge between 2004-2005. The ACRX cards will offer discounts of name brand drugs of up to 40% off and up to 60% off of generic drugs. They also possess no eligibility requirements, no forms to fill out モンクレール, or expiration date as well .One card will take care of a whole family. Also note that the ACRX cards will come to your organization already pre-activated http://www.monclersale.me.The cards are good at over 50k stores from Walgreen, Wal mart, Eckerd's, Kmart, Kroger monclerダウン, Publix, and many more. Any one can use these cards but we are focusing on those who are uninsured, underinsured, or on Medicare. ACRX made arrangements online for the ACRX card to be available at ACIRX org site where it can be downloaded as well. This arrangement has been made to allow organizations an avenue to continue assisting their clients in the community until they receive their orders of the ACRX cards. ACRX made it possible for future request to be made from online as well. ACRX also developed a unique marketplace at 2Spendless com site where you can also click on the ACIRX blue banner and download your free discount prescription card as well as find other key discounts ダウン モンクレール. With a backorder of over 40 million cards ACRX is working diligently to assist as many people and organizations as possible. ACRX will be working over the next few months to fulfill as many backorders as possible. It should be noted that while many other organizations and companies place a cost on their money saving cards, ACRX does not believe a cost should be applied, just to assist our fellow Americans www.monclersale.me/forum. ACRX states that it will continue to strive to assist those in need.

